Do you know of a neighborhood project or initiative investment that would strengthen a neighborhood, a town or community? If so, now’s your chance to help CGBR make a difference!
The National Association of Realtors provides grant funding to state and local REALTOR associations to promote collaboration and investment with local government and community partners in order to improve neighborhoods and strengthen communities. Learn about grant options here.
Among those available, for instance, NAR offers “Placemaking Grants” to improve neighborhoods, parks and outdoor spaces:
“Placemaking is a way to make your community a better place to live and work by transforming public spaces into vibrant community places. As a place becomes more desirable and welcoming, properties around that place increase in value.
Turning a parking lot into a farmer’s market. Attracting people to a little-used park to gather, play or listen to music. Brightening up an otherwise drab courtyard or vacant lot. Envisioning how a block can be revitalized. This is Placemaking.”
~ National Association of Realtors
The CGBR encourages all members to educate themselves about available grants and engage with community groups when appropriate. Since NAR requires applications to be submitted by the local REALTOR association on behalf of the community applicant, guidelines have been developed and approved for use by the Columbia Greene Board of Realtors.
- CGBR members seeking grant funding are encouraged to notify the CGBR Association Executive for guidance.
- Once drafted, all grant applications will be reviewed and approved by the CGBR Community Service Committee.
- The Chair of the CGBR Community Service Committee will present the final draft of the grant application to the full CGBR Board at the next available meeting for approval.
- Once approved, the grant application is submitted by CGBR to NAR.
- CGBR’s contribution to Smart Growth Grants is limited to a total of $1,500 per year.
- The Board of Directors will review this policy on an annual basis.
Curious? Learn more about NAR grant programs here, put on your thinking cap, and consider how CGBR can collaborate for community benefit!